SEO Courses

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Join us for a lunch and learn on the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon PST. 
Get details for each session and register for free with this link:

Upcoming speaking events:

SEO Trends for 2025

Knowing what trends to keep an eye on for 2025 can help your marketing and content strategy. We’ll take a look at some of the changes that happened in 2024 in SEO, and put on our prognosicator hats to look into what the new year will bring.

December 19, 2024 12:00pm PST

SEO Keyword Research & Intent: How to Choose Your Keywords and Where to Use Them on Your Website

How does Google know who to serve your web pages to? Keywords are a major way for Google to understand what your business does and which search engine queries you match. Getting found on Google in large part depends on using the right keywords in your website content. But how do you pick the right ones for you? And once you have them, where do you put them? We’ll explore ways to find the target keywords that will get your business found on Google. Learn how you can use keywords in your content so it reaches those who need your products or services.

November 21, 2024 12:00pm PST

Past speaking events:

What is Technical SEO and How Do I Implement it on my Website?

There are behind the scenes aspects of your website that can impact whether search engines choose your page to answer a user’s search box query. Some have easy fixes while others may be more complicated. We will take a look at these invisible but important factors that help you boost your visibility, getting in front of potential customers and boosting your bottom line.

October 17, 2024. 12:00pm PST

How to Conduct an SEO Website Audit

Is your website optimized for SEO? Learn how to audit your content for SEO best practices so you can prioritize what steps to take to get found on Google by the right searchers – the ones who need your products and services.

September 19, 2024 12:00pm PST

AI in SEO; Where, When, and How

AI is shaking up the Google search landscape. Is it time on get on the AI bandwagon? We’ll talk about how AI is impacting SEO and where trends are going. We’ll also look at ways you can use AI in SEO to help your business while avoiding the pitfalls that can derail your efforts.

August 15, 2024 12:00pm PST

SEO Cleanup: Before You Blog, Get your Website in Order

We hear so often that you need to blog to rank in Google, but before you spend time and effort on writing and publishing content, you need get the rest of your site poised to reap your blogging rewards. We will look at your “money pages” (products and services), your landing pages, and your about page to make sure that once you start blogging, you are getting all the SEO benefit from every page. Specific, actionable steps will help you prep to get the most out of your blogging efforts.

July 18, 2024 12:00pm PST

Getting Started with SEO for Your Business Website

Getting found on Google can mean the difference between your business succeeding vs stagnating. We can help you optimize your business website for search engines so that you get found by Google searchers with needs targeted to your products and services. We’ll look at 1) on-page SEO: What your website visitor sees, and 2) off-page SEO: Behind-the-scenes essentials. These give Google everything it needs to put your site in front of the right Google searchers. Once you are getting visitors to your site, you can show them how your products and services fulfill their needs, increasing both their satisfaction and your bottom line.

June 20, 2024 12:00pm PST

Optimizing Website Images for SEO

We will explore how to find great photos (free or cheap) and optimize them on your website so Google knows who you are, what you do, and why they should rank you on the SERPs. Copy converts, but images keep visitors on the page – and both are important. Find out how to use images to get visitors to your site while you rise in the rankings.

May 16, 2024 12:00pm PST

What are SEO Keywords and How Do I Find Mine

How does Google know who to serve your web pages to? Keywords are a major way for Google to understand what your business does and which search engine queries you match. Getting found on Google in large part depends on using the right keywords in your website content. But how do you pick the right ones for you? And once you have them, where do you put them? We’ll explore ways to find the target keywords that will get your business found on Google. Learn how you can use keywords in your content so it reaches those who need your products or services.


April 18, 2024 12:00pm PST

What to Know Before You Hire an SEO Expert

Need help with SEO but not sure how to choose a trustworthy pro? Choosing an SEO specialist can seem like an impossible task. We’ll go over what you should look for when you hire an agency or contractor and how to know whether they are doing what they promised. We’ll talk about how to interview an SEO and what they should be asking you. We’ll also dive into black hat techniques and how to spot them, so you know if you need to fire your SEO. Finally, you’ll learn what you should keep in mind as you work with your SEO to leverage their expertise to get the best results possible at the lowest cost.

March 21, 2024 12:00pm PST

Blogging for SEO to Boost Your Business's Bottom Line

We’ve all heard about the importance of blogs for SEO. What’s the big deal? Why are blogs important? Are they really a good use of time and resources for small businesses? How can you get the most bang for each blog post? And most importantly, how long does it take to see an ROI. We’ll take a look at blog best practices so you can use them well without wasting effort while getting the most bang for your buck (and time).

February 15, 2024 12:00pm PST

How to Audit your Website for SEO and Make Some Simple Moves to Get Found on Google

Is your website optimized for SEO? Learn how to audit your content for SEO best practices so you can prioritize what steps to take to get found on Google by the right searchers – the ones who need your products and services.

January 18, 2024
12:00pm PST

Coming soon:

Get Found by the Right Google Searchers

SEO does not have to be difficult, but getting it right is the difference between increasing your client base and simply treading water with your website content.

After years of running an enterprise-level, million-plus-dollar-a-year-budget, SEO content-producing machine, we are bringing our expertise to small businesses and non-profit organizations.

We have broken the content creation process down to a science. Now you can get access to that process to create your own SEO marketing plan.

Course content

  1. Overview of search and Google algorithms 
  2. Terms, definitions, and acronyms 
  3. Debunk the myth that SEO is hard
  1. Website vs digital landing page
  2. Local search hacks for immediate gains 
  3. Word count and Google crawls
  1. Define your ideal customer
  2. Determine their pain points
  3. Brainstorm topics for you to relieve those needs 
  1. Determine your goals (what does “convert” mean to your business)
  2. How often to post
  3. Plan for the year, the quarter, or the month
  4. Dial in your topics for maximum reach and impact
  1. Keyword research
  2. Evaluate your competition
  3. Craft your title and subheads
  4. Determine the ideal word count
  1. Overview
  2. Outline
  3. Meta description
  4. Article text
  1. Words sell but images keep readers engaged
  2. Free and paid image sources
  1. Formatting your text with the future in mind
  2. Links and link building
  1. Analytics and tracking
  2. Review, revise, repupose old content
  3. Redirects and updates
  4. Troubleshoot tech issues
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